Pote is the worlds first smartphone app or products does not occur skin problems is "not fit to the skin cosmetics" turn out before you buy, which bought.● do not fit to the skin cosmetics is foundWhen you register an evaluation with your cosmetics usage history, and its own analysis in the component as a skin trouble it was developed with research institutes of public universities mechanism.As a result of the analysis, since to understand is "not fit to the skin cosmetics" prior to purchase, you can challenge more and more new products!● tell the expiration date of cosmetic itemsWhen you register a cosmetics you are using now the app, let you know the expiration date comes.When you use the cosmetics expiration date has passed, since there is also to be a cause of skin trouble, please use by all means this function.● every month, posted the information of new products in a timely mannerUse the new items, such as challenge to the fashion of makeup! Who did not quite out hand to the new cosmetics until now also, please enjoy the fun make life using Pote.● You can search for cosmetics from the components!We want to exclude components, If you know you want to use components, include a component, specify the not included in cosmetics are searchable.Easy to use, only to register the cosmetics that has been used until now to open the app!So you immediately analysis is started, the attention cosmetics required a warning icon appears.